(1) The board of directors of a public school district in this state is required by existing law to adopt an annual salary schedule for all of its certificated employees within the meaning of RCW 28A.67.066; it is not, however, so required by any specific statute to adopt official policies with regard to (a) the maximum number of students in a classroom; (b) the number of elementary specialists to be used in connection with such subjects as physical education and music; (c) secondary planning periods; or (d) a schedule calendar. (2) The provisions of the "professional negotiations act" for school district certificated personnel (chapter 28A.72 RCW) permit but do not require the board of directors of a school district (or a committee thereof) to "meet, confer and negotiate" with the representatives of a duly designated employee organization as to proposed school policies initiated by that organization rather than by the board itself, except where those proposals are submitted by the employee organization as counterproposals during the course of pending negotiations on school policies initially proposed to be adopted by the board.
Nick Brown