Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1975 NO. 22 >

Pursuant to RCW 41.06.250(2) a municipal employee who is covered thereby may, even though governed by a local ordinance, charter provision, resolution or regulation purporting to provide to the contrary:  (1) Express his opinion openly and publicly on all political subjects, or on all candidates for either partisan or nonpartisan elective offices;  (2) Display political signs on his own property advocating the election of a candidate or candidates seeking either a partisan or nonpartisan office;  (3) Assemble or prepare political signs for candidates in support of their candidacies for partisan but not for nonpartisan offices;  (4) Install or affix such political signs for partisan but not for nonpartisan candidates in or on locations other than his own property with the permission of the owner of the property in question;  (5) Distribute campaign material, such as printed leaflets, brochures, etc., prepared by or for partisan but not for nonpartisan candidates, on a door-to-door basis.

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