(1) Under RCW 46.68.120 (3) (e) the legislature has imposed the duty, every four years beginning in 1958, upon the joint fact-finding committee and the highway commission to jointly re‑examine [[reexamine]] all the factors on which the estimated costs per trunk mile for the several counties have been based, and based upon such re‑examination [[reexamination]] and acting in a fact-finding capacity, the highway commission and the joint fact-finding committee are then required jointly to make such adjustments in the estimated annual costs per trunk mile for the several counties as may be necessary. (2) The estimated annual costs per trunk mile as adjusted by the joint fact-finding committee on highways, streets and bridges and the highway commission, pursuant to RCW 46.68.120, are to be used in making the 1962 allocations of fuel taxes to the counties.
Nick Brown