Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1991 NO. 4 >

1.  RCW 43.21A.190 provides that the Ecological Commission shall provide advice and guidance to the Director of the Department of Ecology with regard to the adoption of rules and regulations.  The Commission's role is limited to providing advice and guidance.  The Commission does not have the authority to prevent the Director from adopting regulations, that members of the Commission disapprove.  This applies to regulations that the Director adopts in connection with the Shoreline Management Act.  2.  RCW 43.21A.190, by its terms, does not apply to the Department of Ecology's responsibilities in the area of water resources.  Thus, the Director need not seek the advice and guidance of the Ecological Commission on water resource regulations.  The Commission does not have the authority to prevent the Director from adopting regulations relating to water resources.

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