Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1955 NO. 158 >

1. Elected officials, except where paid on fee basis, are eligible. 2. Superior court judges are ineligible. 3. Sheriff's department, harbor and fire patrols, airport guards, juvenile court employees, county engineer's traffic control officer, and other county law enforcement personnel are eligible. 4. Employees of superior court and Seattle‑King County health department are eligible. 5. Agricultural extension agents and horticultural inspectors are ineligible; other personnel in those departments are eligible.

AGO 1955 NO. 168 >

Employees occupying positions covered by the University of Washington's retirement system may not be excluded from a proposed agreement between the state and Federal government for extension of OASI coverage to members of that system. The classification of positions covered by the University of Washington's retirement system is determined by the Board of Regents.

AGO 1958 NO. 209 >

The state auditor may properly honor a voucher submitted by a state department for interest on a delinquent OASI contribution.

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