Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1955 NO. 6 >

1. When a legislative body which is subject to the provisions of RCW 42.32.010 recesses a regular meeting, or a special meeting of which proper notice has been given, to later in the same day, the meeting may be resumed after the recess without giving notice to the press, radio and television of the reconvened meeting.  2. When a legislative body which is subject to the provisions of RCW 42.32.010 adjourns a regular meeting, or a special meeting of which proper notice has been given, to a later date, notice must be given to press, radio and television of the reconvened meeting, unless such meeting is held on the business day immediately following adjournment.  3. If the press, radio and television services which are entitled to notice of meetings of legislative bodies under RCW 42.32.010 are represented at a meeting which is adjourned, then announcement at the time of adjournment of the date for resumption of the meeting will satisfy the notice requirement.

AGO 1953 NO. 157 >

1. When a legislative body of a city or town recesses or adjourns a regular meeting of such body to a specific time and place, such body may reconvene such continued meeting without notifying the press, radio or television.  2. Where notice of a special meeting of the legislative body of a city or town has been given to press, radio and television, and such meeting is recessed or adjourned to a time certain, the body may reconvene such continued meeting without again notifying the press, radio or television.  3. The notice provisions of chapter 216, Laws of 1953, do not impliedly repeal that part of RCW 35.24.180 which prohibits a city of the third class from passing ordinances letting contracts or allowing bills for the payment of money at special meetings of the legislative body.

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