1. The log patrol act as amended by the 1953 legislature is applicable to the waters of the Columbia river forming a common boundary between the states of Washington and Oregon. 2. A log patrolman in the state of Oregon but not licensed in the state of Washington may not operate in waters of the Columbia river which forms a common boundary between Washington and Oregon. 3. Whether a log patrol association is an agent of an owner of logs such that it may operate without a log patrol license depends upon factual information concerning its methods of organization and operation not provided in your question. 4. A licensed log patrolman may not own and operate his own private nonincorporated boom company for the disposition of stray logs. 5. The log patrol act requires a bond from each log patrolman unless he be a bona fide agent of a licensee who is in fact in charge of the log patrol activities of the agent. 6. Advance partial or full payment to the log patrolman by the boom company for log patrol services is improper.
Nick Brown