1. The provisions of paragraph (4) of section 7 of the Washington Civil Defense Act, chapter 178, Laws of 1951, authorize and empower the Civil Defense Department of the State of Washington to make reimbursement to another state for payments for death, disability or injury to the personnel of a Civil Defense Mobile Support Unit of such other state, whenever such death, disability or injury is incurred while rendering aid in the State of Washington under orders of the governor of such other state and at the request of the Governor of the State of Washington.2. If a political subdivision of the State of Washington has made lawful provision for payments for death, disability or injury to its employees and such payments are made as the result of service of personnel in connection with the activities of a Mobile Support Unit, the provisions of paragraph (3) of section 7 of the Civil Defense Act require the State Civil Defense Department to reimburse the political subdivision for such payments.
Nick Brown