With the exception of gravel taken from the bed of the Columbia River where that river forms the boundary line between the States of Oregon and Washington, the Commissioner of Public Lands of Washington is required to exact cash for all gravel sold from the beds of navigable rivers in the State of Washington.
Members of the general public may not attach boat anchor buoys to lands under tidewaters which are subject to an oyster lease issued by the state pursuant to RCW 79.01.568, et seq. , where the anchor buoys would interfere with the oyster lessee's primary rights to engage in oyster culture.
(1) Without regard to any other property interests or rights which the state may have, members of the public have the right to use and enjoy the wet and dry sand areas of the ocean beaches of the state of Washington by virtue of a long-established customary use of those areas. (2) The right of members of the public to use and enjoy the wet and dry sand areas of the ocean beaches of Washington by virtue of a long-established customary use of those areas does not presently extend to such ocean beach areas as are within the exterior boundaries of the Quinault Indian Reservation.
The words "immature forests" and "not mature in merchantable quantities" are to be interpreted in the technical sense, and you may, therefore, classify as "reforestation lands" any lands upon which the forest growth is not mature, according to the definition of the word "mature," commonly accepted by professional foresters, even though the forest growth may have commercial value.
The deputy or assistant Commissioner of Public Lands may not act as a member of either the Board of State Land Commissioners, the State Capitol Committee, or the State Forest Board.