Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1994 NO. 10 >

1.  A county lacks authority to require any agency of the United States to follow county policies or procedures in land use decisions or environmental regulation, except where Congress has specifically directed federal agencies to conform to local law.  2.  A county lacks authority to require any agency of the State of Washington to follow county policies or procedures in land use or environmental regulation, except where state law, expressly or by necessary implication, requires state agencies to conform to county procedural or substantive requirements as to a particular agency decision.

AGO 1963 NO. 51 >

Whether House Joint Memorial No. 1 of the 1963 Washington legislature will be counted along with similar but nonidentical memorials from other states is a question to be decided by the federal congress.  This Memorial proposes an amendment to the United States Constitution eliminating federal judicial review of state legislative apportionment laws in states where the people have the right of initiative.

AGO 1951 NO. 476 >

1. Privately-owned leasehold interests and improvements upon Federal lands used as a military reservation may be subjected to property taxation only where the lands are under the concurrent jurisdiction of the United States and the state, but not where such lands are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States.  2. Spokane Air Force Base is situate upon lands under the concurrent jurisdiction of the United States and the state of Washington; personal property in private, taxable ownership and situate upon such lands may be subjected to property taxation.

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