State Colleges of Education, duties of Board of Trustees, providing retirement and income plans, faculty transfers between plans.
The board of trustees of any of the state colleges and the governor have the authority to enter into an agreement with the United States Treasury Department whereby certain college buildings will be designated as a relocation site for the district offices of the internal revenue service.
A mosquito control district cannot levy an excess tax levy in October, 1958, when the proposition was approved by the voters in June, 1957 . A mosquito control district may submit a proposition for an excess tax levy, except for payment of general obligation bonds, only at the election held for approval of the formation of the district. Successors to the initial members of the board of trustees of a mosquito control district are to be appointed in the same manner as the initial members are appointed.
Board of trustees for county hospital and county tuberculosis sanitarium are separate boards and one cannot manage board institutions.