Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1956 NO. 191 >

A board of county commissioners has the power and authority to fix the compensation of the county health officer.  Any change made in the county health officer's remuneration shall only become effective at the commencement of his next term of office.

AGO 1954 NO. 230 >

1.  Consolidation of towns under RCW 35.10 is effective when result of election of officers for new town is entered in journals of old towns. 2.  No officers are required for the new town in the interim between the consolidation and officer elections; the only functions being those involving the elections, as detailed in chapter 35.10 RCW. 3.  Appointive officers of the old towns continue to serve as such until the consolidation is effective.

AGO 1952 NO. 302 >

Personnel working in the various institutions under the Division of Children and Youth Services have one year in which to meet the requirements of their respective positions after those requirements are established by the state personnel board.

AGO 1950 NO. 396 >

Council-manager form effective when new councilmen take office; incumbent mayor holds office only until appointment of mayor under new plan‑- temporary manager may be appointed‑-emergency budget ordinance proper for payment of manager's salary‑-minutes of executive session need not be public‑-petitions for abandonment of plan governed by law regulating petitions for adopting it‑-city manager authorized to appoint library and park board members.

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