Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today filed a lawsuit against Tri-Star Marketing of Everett for illegally sending junk faxes across the country.
OLYMPIA - With the holidays just around the corner, two Washington state officials are suggesting that you check into exactly where your charitable contributions are going before you make a donation.
Olympia - November 18, 1999- A former Pend Oreille County District Court judge was charged late Wednesday with fourth degree assault stemming from an alleged incident in which a woman was sexually assaulted by him at his lake cabin.
OLYMPIA -- As the national tobacco settlement reached another significant milestone today, Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire said tobacco payments should arrive in state coffers within two weeks and that there are encouraging signs of a dramatic decline in total consumption of cigarettes.
OLYMPIA -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today announced the appointment of Assistant Attorney General Mary E. Fairhurst as the next chief of the office's Revenue Division.
Seattle -November 4, 1999- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today filed suit against Microworkz.com, a Lynnwood-based seller of computer equipment, for violating state consumer protection laws including failing to deliver computer equipment as ordered.
Olympia -October 19, 1999- As part of a nationwide effort to reduce the effects of violent entertainment on children, Attorney General Christine Gregoire today announced two new anti-violence resources for parents.
Olympia - The U.S. Supreme Court today announced that it will not review a Washington Supreme Court decision upholding Washington's Business and Occupation (B&0) tax on manufacturing and sales activities inside and outside of Washington.
Olympia - October 13, 1999- Whether passage of Initiative 695 in November would subject motor vehicles to the state's personal property tax is a question that will have to be settled by the courts or the Legislature, an informal Attorney General's opinion released today concludes.
SEATTLE - September 30, 1999 - Attorney General Christine Gregoire today announced Mazda Motor of America , Inc. will pay just over $5.2 million to Washington, 24 other states and the Federal Trade Commission for violating a 1996 consent decree which required the auto dealer to change the way it advertises auto leases.
