Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

OLYMPIA — A Thurston County Superior Court judge ruled that a former Grant County Superior Court judge and Moses Lake business owner violated Washington campaign finance law numerous times when they sent a 2014 mailer in the election for Grant County prosecutor, and concealed that they were the source. 
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offers the following statement on asking the United States Supreme Court to review the lower court’s decision in a challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA):
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest suppliers of the raw materials used to produce opioid pain medications, accusing the multinational company of playing a key role in driving the entire pharmaceutical industry to vastly expand the use of prescription opioids.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit to block the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to repeal a 2015 rule that clearly defines what waters qualify for federal Clean Water Act protection and replace that rule with a rule established in 1986. The EPA’s repeal will significantly reduce the number of water bodies around the United States that are protected under the Clean Water Act.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offers the following statement on a ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on the Affordable Care Act (ACA):
El procurador general Bob Ferguson presentó hoy una demanda federal contra la Administración de Trump por arrestar a inmigrantes en los tribunales de Washington o en sus alrededores. Esta práctica es perjudicial para la seguridad pública y el sistema de justicia de Washington.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump Administration for arresting immigrants in and near courthouses in Washington. This practice is harmful to public safety and Washington’s justice system.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today he will propose a package of legislation to combat mass shootings in Washington state. Gov. Jay Inslee, a longtime supporter of gun safety measures, is joining Ferguson for the first time to propose limits to magazine capacity and a ban on the sale of assault weapons.
Solicitor General Noah Purcell offers the following statement regarding false statements by initiative promoter Tim Eyman on the Attorney General’s Office defense of Initiative 976 in response to Mr. Eyman’s planned press conference:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today the first major action of his office’s Honest Fees Initiative. Global technology company CenturyLink will pay $6.1 million to the State of Washington according to a court order to resolve the Attorney General’s lawsuit regarding a range of unfair and deceptive conduct. CenturyLink added additional charges to customer bills without accurately disclosing those fees, impacting 650,000 Washingtonians. CenturyLink also failed to provide discounts that their sales agents had promised to about 16,000 Washingtonians.
