Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Olympia - September 14, 2001 - Washington's Attorney General and leaders of state police and prosecutor's associations today urged citizens to refrain from acts of racial or religious harassment in the wake of this week's terrorist attacks.
OLYMPIA -Sept. 12, 2001- The Washington state Attorney General's Office is warning consumers to be on the watch for people who may try to take advantage of them in this time of national tragedy.
Olympia - September 12, 2001 - Jack G. Johnson, chief civil attorney in the Seattle City Attorney's Office, will become the new chief of the state Attorney General's University of Washington Division, Attorney General Christine Gregoire announced today.
SEATTLE - Sept. 10, 2001 - Attorney General Christine Gregoire today continued her battle against fraud in cyberspace by accusing an Internet-based computer seller of using online auctions to dupe unsuspecting consumers.
Olympia - September 7, 2001- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today urged the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) to oppose Qwest's bid to offer long-distance telephone service in Washington.
Seattle - Sept. 7, 2001 - Washington state, along with 11 other states and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), today filed settlement papers that clear the way for the merger of Chevron Corp. and Texaco Inc.
Olympia - August 24, 2001 - A lawsuit filed in February by the Attorney General's Office against a Washington tobacco company was settled today with the company agreeing to make payments into an escrow account based on the amount of cigarettes it sells in the state.
SPOKANE - Aug. 24, 2001 - The Washington state Attorney General's office went to court today to prevent a New Jersey man from seeking investors in phony devices that he claims provide free or low-cost power.
Olympia – August 3, 2001 - Attorney General Christine Gregoire has sued tobacco companies in Arizona and the Philippines for failing to make state-mandated payments that are set aside to cover possible judgments against them in future state lawsuits.
SEATTLE -- The Attorney General's High-Tech Unit, which was created to battle crime and fraud on the Internet, has achieved a victory by forcing a Kitsap County-based website to stop pitching illegal pyramid and Ponzi schemes.
