OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced the filing of an amicus, or “friend of the court,” brief in a federal appellate court, as he continued to lead an expanding coalition of states in support of President Obama’s recent executive actions on immigration policy. The brief was filed in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas v. United States, a legal challenge by Texas and other states to the President’s immigration reforms.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today expressed his disappointment with the House Finance Committee for drastically altering Ferguson’s agency-request legislation to raise the smoking age to 21.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today applauded President Obama’s recent push on a proposal to reform federal payday lending rules, while encouraging state legislators to reject a bill that purports to do the same thing. - See more at: /news/news-releases/ag-renews-call-reject-payday-lending-bill#sthash.kE1g23Cm.dpuf
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a “friend of the court” brief today in the U.S. Supreme Court urging the court to reject a challenge to Colorado’s marijuana laws. If the court takes up the case, it could threaten not just Colorado’s law, but also the regulatory structure for marijuana established by Initiative 502 in Washington state.
SEATTLE — A Benton County Superior Court judge ruled today that a Richland florist will pay a $1,000 penalty and $1 in costs and fees to the state for discriminating against a same-sex couple seeking to buy wedding flowers in 2013.
PORT ORCHARD — A Kitsap County jury has decided that repeat sex offender Rick Allen Monroe is a sexually violent predator and must be confined in the state’s Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island.
SPOKANE —The Washington Attorney General’s Office filed a petition last week in Spokane County Superior Court seeking to civilly commit a sex offender and prevent his release into the community.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson will testify before the House Finance Committee tomorrow regarding his agency-request bill to raise the smoking age.
KENNEWICK — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a complaint in Grant County Superior Court against Gary Chavers, owner of Sun & Sand Mobile Home Park in Mattawa, Wash., for forcing tenants to sign “purchase” contracts so that he could evade city health and safety inspections and thereby avoid the expense of improving the poor condition of the mobile homes. The tenants, mostly farm workers whose primary language is Spanish, were told they must sign the contracts or move out.
OLYMPIA — Premera/Blue Cross today announced it has been the target of a major data breach.