OLYMPIA — Tras finalizar la moratoria federal de las ejecuciones hipotecarias el 31 de julio, el Procurador General Bob Ferguson ofrece orientación y recursos a los propietarios de viviendas de Washington sobre la disponibilidad de servicios de asesoramiento de viviendas. Ferguson recomienda a los propietarios de viviendas que averigüen ahora qué opciones pueden tener según su tipo de préstamo cuando finalice la suspensión temporal de pagos. Los asesores de vivienda pueden ayudar a los propietarios a familiarizarse con las nuevas normas y programas de asistencia federales que entran en vigor a finales de agosto para ayudar a las personas a conservar sus casas.
OLYMPIA: после того как 31 июля закончился срок действия федерального моратория на обращение взыскания, генеральный прокурор Bob Ferguson предлагает домовладельцам Вашингтона рекомендации и ресурсы относительно доступности консультационных услуг по жилищным вопросам. Ferguson призывает домовладельцев действовать сейчас и узнать, какие варианты по завершении периода отказа от принятия мер для них могут быть доступны в зависимости от того, какой у них вид кредита. Консультанты по жилищным вопросам могут помочь домовладельцам ориентироваться в новых федеральных правилах и программах помощи, которые вступают в силу в конце августа, чтобы помочь людям сохранить свои дома.
OLYMPIA — After the federal foreclosure moratorium ended on July 31, Attorney General Bob Ferguson is offering guidance and resources to Washington homeowners about the availability of housing counseling services. Ferguson is encouraging homeowners need to act now to learn what post-forbearance options they may have based on the type of loan they have. Housing counselors can assist homeowners to navigate new federal rules and assistance programs that take effect at the end of August to help people keep their homes.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced the team that will facilitate the Washington State Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIW/P) Task Force. Legislative appointments to the task force are expected later this month.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson issued the following statement after two key legal victories on Friday in Washington’s case against opioid distributors McKesson Corp., Cardinal Health Inc. and AmerisourceBergen Drug Corp.
CHEHALIS — A Lewis County Superior Court judge entered an order of commitment Friday to civilly commit a sex offender after the Washington Attorney General’s Office filed a petition to remove him from community custody.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offers the following statement on a recent ruling in his lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that a King County antique business and one of its owners pleaded guilty to trafficking in species threatened with extinction under a voter-approved initiative banning the sale or transfer of products made from certain endangered species.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that he formally rejected a proposed settlement with opioid distributors McKesson, Cardinal Health and Amerisource Bergen, and Johnson & Johnson. The Attorney General’s Office has been litigating against these companies for years. Trial against McKesson, Cardinal Health and Amerisource Bergen begins in King County Superior Court on September 7. Ferguson’s trial against Johnson & Johnson is scheduled to begin in King County Superior Court in January 2022.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson led eight other attorneys general in filing a formal objection today [LINK] asking the judge to reject Purdue Pharma’s proposed bankruptcy plan, which includes a lifetime legal shield for the company’s owners, the Sackler family. The states argue that a bankruptcy court doesn’t have the authority to prevent attorneys general from enforcing state law, including the decision to pursue the Sacklers for their illegal conduct.