Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE -- The Attorney General’s Office is warning consumers to beware of “phishing” scammers on the Internet. Phishing is an attempt to trick consumers into disclosing personal and/or financial information.
SEATTLE -- The Attorney General’s Office is recruiting consumer analyst volunteers to work with the general public and businesses to resolve consumer complaints.
OLYMPIA -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire announced today that Rite Aid has entered into an agreement with 20 states, including Washington, to help reduce the sale of tobacco to minors.
OLYMPIA -- Gov. Gary Locke and Attorney General Christine Gregoire today joined the Colville Confederated Tribes in their lawsuit aimed at forcing the Teck Cominco mining company to clean up Lake Roosevelt.
OLYMPIA -- Anacortes Port Commissioner Pat Mooney has agreed to resign effective Sept. 1 to settle state claims that he won reelection in 2003 by committing violations of state campaign-finance reporting laws.
OLYMPIA -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire announced today that Vibo Corporation of Miami, Florida has joined the tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) and will pay Washington State $1.5 million immediately and approximately $35 million over the next ten years.
SEATTLE -- A Redmond-based Internet web service company which failed to deliver promised services has agreed to stop misrepresenting its services and pay restitution to consumers, Attorney General Christine Gregoire said today.
OLYMPIA -- Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire today took action before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to support efforts by Northwest utilities to obtain rate relief for customers who were harmed by the fraudulent activities by Enron.
OLYMPIA -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today urged the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to consider filing additional claims to disgorge profits on both long- and short-term BPA/Enron contracts on behalf of Northwest power customers who suffered because of Enron's fraudulent and manipulative actions in the West Coast energy market in 2000-2001.
SEATTLE -- Senior citizens in the Auburn area of King County should be on the lookout for a fraudulent vacuum cleaner salesman who goes door to door offering either free cans of soup or a canned ham in exchange for a vacuum cleaner demonstration.
