Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE -May 1, 1998 -- The Attorney General today announced a national credit insurance sales consulting company will pay $205,000 plus money to settle individual claims for allegedly encouraging auto dealers to hide the costs of extra products in early payment quotes.
SPOKANE -April 1, 1998 - The Attorney General's Office today announced that a Connecticut company will pay almost $70,000 in refunds and fines for using high pressure sales and other deceptive practices to sell insulated replacement windows, doors and siding to elderly consumers in Washington and Idaho.
Olympia - March 23, 1998 - Washington Attorney General Chris Gregoire said new figures released by the White House today indicate passage of a comprehensive tobacco bill by Congress could cut the number of teen smokers in Washington by 48,000 over the next five years.
Olympia - March 23, 1998 - A record $2.6 million was returned to the state's Medicaid program in 1997 as a result of prosecutions and settlements by the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
SEATTLE ---One of the nations largest sweepstakes operators, American Family Publishers, which uses Ed McMahon and Dick Clark as its spokespersons, has agreed to pay Washington and 31 other states $1.25 million and stop the use of illegal promotions tactics.
OLYMPIA - February 27, 1998 - State Attorney General Christine Gregoire today announced a $430,000 settlement stemming from multiple campaign finance charges brought against the Washington Education Association.
SEATTLE - February 23, 1998 - The Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division today announced that Washington consumers last year received a record $6.2 million in restitution and estimated savings from unfair and deceptive business practices. That is a 15 percent increase over 1996.
SEATTLE -- The Attorney General and the Region 18 United States Trustee announced that Federated Department Stores, Inc., owners of The Bon Marche, have agreed to pay approximately $7.5 million as part of a multi-state settlement for improper debt collection practices.
Vancouver -  Eleven American and Canadian attorneys general agreed this weekend on an international strategy to crack down on the growing problem of telemarketing fraud.
Seattle - Janaury 7,1998 - In a continued crackdown on deceptive charitable solicitations, the Attorney General's Office today announced a $55,000 settlement with a New Jersey based telephone fund-raiser for two major Washington police organizations.
