Olympia -- For the third year in a row, the communications industry, which includes telecommunications and on-line services, accounted for the most complaints received by the Attorney General's office last year.
Seattle -February 7, 2001- Operators of a cross-border lottery scam that targeted elderly Americans have agreed to pay more than $334,000 to settle a complaint filed by the Federal Trade Commission and the attorneys general of Washington and Arizona.
Olympia - Feb. 5, 2001 - In recognition of National Consumer Protection Week (Feb. 5 -10) Washington state Attorney General Christine Gregoire today warned consumers to beware of predatory lending practices that could threaten their credit ratings and, in some extreme cases, force them from their homes.
OLYMPIA - A criminal investigative report on alleged animal cruelty and violations of the Humane Slaughter Act at a southeast Washington meatpacking plant today was forwarded to the Walla Walla County prosecuting attorney.
Olympia - Millions of pages of once-secret tobacco industry documents will have a permanent home on the Internet thanks to a grant from the American Legacy Foundation to the University of California, San Francisco.
OLYMPIA -- Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire confirmed today that her office is investigating allegations that there may be price manipulation and unfair business practices behind the region's energy crisis.
Olympia - January 19, 2001 - The state Attorney General's Office filed suit today against Spokane County Assessor Sadie Charlene Cooney for illegally using county facilities and her staff to campaign for re-election in 1998.
Olympia - January 17, 2001 - The United States Supreme Court today held that a Washington civil-commitment law designed to protect the public and provide treatment for violent sexual predators is constitutional even if the law is applied to individuals in a manner that is punitive.
Olympia - November 28, 2000 - The State of Washington today filed suit against six foreign insurance companies that have refused to reimburse the state for their share of the cost of settling the Linda David case.
Olympia - November 8, 2000 - A Pierce County clean-up contractor and junk hauler was sentenced in Pierce County Superior Court Wednesday for dumping dangerous waste onto the property of a 66-year-old Lakewood woman.