Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

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  Online Privacy 
  Password Protection 101 

Password Protection

It seems like every online service you subscribe to requires a password, personal identification number (PIN), and/or a login name. They also may warn you to create these short codes to keep your online information safe and warn you to keep these pieces of information secret. Here are some tips about how you can ensure that your password and login name will be safe and how you can prevent someone else from discovering and using them.


The most important part of creating any password is choosing a combination of letters and numbers that do not mean anything. In general, it is best to pick a completely random password, with no words, names, or special numbers in it. For example, you would never want to make your password the name of a pet, relative, or your birth date. Instead, a better choice would be something like "fh3ay89fn." Although a computer program can eventually break any password, a random password will be more secure than a nonrandom one. If you are automatically given a password when you sign up for a new internet account, change the password to one you create yourself.


In order to keep your passwords secure, you should change them every two months. This is the amount of time the fastest hackers would need to break a password. While this may seem like a hassle, it can decrease the chance of someone decoding and using your password. Do not keep your passwords in your wallet or written near your computer. It is best to memorize them, but if you have many passwords, you will need to find a safe place to store them. In a world where security is highly valued by consumers, these tips on maintaining your password security can help you thwart attempts by hackers to steal your personal information or identity. You will be able to surf the Web with confidence and do not have to fear that someone is using your passwords to access your accounts and information. Of course, if you're still worried about security with online purchases, you could just go shopping the old-fashioned way!