Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown


OLYMPIA - After rallying a group of city officials in Olympia for the Association of Washington Cities’ legislative days, Attorney General Rob McKenna and attorneys from the office’s liability division will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the need for new government liability standards to reduce taxpayer exposure to government liability.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hear SB 6215, sponsored by chairman Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, and ranking Republican Sen. Stephen Johnson, R-Kent, which defines government liability.

City and county officials are expected to testify as well as the Attorney General and attorneys from the Attorney General’s Office Torts Division.

The legislation stems from a law review article authored by McKenna and a member of his tort liability team which demonstrated that under Washington law, taxpayers face the greatest exposure to governmental liability in the nation, particularly when it comes to the actions of third-parties with only limited connection to government.

10 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 26

Senate Hearing Room 1 in the John A. Cherberg Building on the state Capitol Campus


Contact: Janelle Guthrie, AG Media Relations Director, (360) 586-0725

