Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

"Baby, You Aught to be in Pictures!"


 In This Section  
 Modeling Basics  
 Finding an Agent  
 Photos and Classes  
 Scam Red Flags  
 File a Complaint  

Imagine that you’re walking around the local mall minding your own business when suddenly you’re approached by a stranger.  “You’re beautiful!  Wonderful!  Have just the look we’ve been searching for!” 

The stranger gives you a professional looking business card with the promise that you could be making millions as a model for their agency.  While you may already be dreaming of the fame and fortune associated with the glamorous life of a model, watch out; you may have just been scammed. 

Breaking into the acting or modeling business is hard enough without dodging slick-talking talent scouts who are more interested in your money than helping you find work as a model or actress.  Understanding how the entertainment industry operates is the first step toward finding a legitimate talent agent who may help propel you to stardom.

Know the Business

Talent and modeling agencies secure employment for models and actors.  Agents commonly work on a commission basis and are paid after they find the client work -- not before.

Modeling and acting schools provide instruction but may not help you find work after you take their classes.  When considering their programs, ask for the names of models and actors who have recently secured successful work after taking their training then contact those individuals.

Casting directors are paid by a producer and usually work on a set-fee basis.  Their goal is to find the appropriate actor for a client's needs. Casting directors will frequently contact talent agents to ask for referrals.

Talent managers direct an individual’s business affairs and provide advice on career decision.  They usually do not have the ability to negotiate hiring contracts, however.

A talent scout is employed to discover and find talent.

A talent agent chooses whether to represent you.  If an agent offers you representation, you will likely be asked to sign a contract. Read it carefully. Depending on the terms, your agent may take a commission even if you find the work yourself.  Your contract may or may not allow you to be represented by multiple agencies, so be sure to ask.

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Finding a (Legitimate) Agent

Many actors and models market themselves online and will list the names of their agents. Theatre Puget Sound is an example of a local Web site where actors post profiles that often include the names of their agents.

Reputable talent agents are often associated with professional unions, such as SAG (Screen Actors Guild) and AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists). Check the Web site of the union’s local chapter for contact information.

Contact agents by mail. Include your photo and a resume outlining your acting/modeling experience. Or attend an open call interview or audition.

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Photos and Classes

You will need professional photos to break into the acting or modeling business. A good talent agent should be able to recommend a photographer. But the choice of which photographer you hire is up to you. Compare fees and the work quality of several photographers. An actor can expect to pay $100-$300 for a photo shoot to obtain an 8” x 10” headshot, the industry standard. Models will need a comp card with 3-5 looks and can expect to pay $200-$500 for the sitting.

Some agents offer acting and modeling classes, which sometimes can be helpful in developing new skills.

Most experts agree that the majority of an agent's time should be spent finding work for his or her client, not selling products and services.

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Red Flags

Be skeptical of talent scouts or agents who:

  • Promise fortune and fame.
  • Approach you in a busy place and seem to be approaching multiple people.
  • Pressure you for money up front.
  • Turn your job interview into a sales pitch for modeling or acting classes, screen tests or photo shoots.
  • Display pictures of famous models or celebrities on the walls to make you believe they are represented by that agency. If an agency says it has placed models and actors in specific jobs, contact the companies to verify that they've hired models and actors from the agency.
  • Use names which sound similar to well-known agencies.

If you have any doubts about a company, ask for references, or check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are any unresolved consumer complaints on file about the agency.

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Where to Complain

If you’ve been scammed by a phony modeling agency, you can file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office or the Federal Trade Commission.

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