Bill Number | Subject | Effect | Prime Sponsor | Companion Sponsor | Final Vote |
2013 Legislative Session | |||||
ESB 5484 | Assault in 3rd degree/courthouse safety | Creates an enhanced criminal penalty for assaults that occur in or around Washington courthouses. | Senator Adam Kline (D-37) | Representative Roger Goodman (D-45) | 40-9; 83-10 |
2014 Legislative Session | |||||
ESB 5964 | Open Government Trainings Act | Requires all elected officials in the state to receive training on Washington's open government laws, and renew that training every term. | Senator Joe Fain (R-47) | Representative Gerry Pollet (D-46) | 45-2; 66-31 |
SB 6208 | Pension Poacher Prevention Act | Protects retired servicemembers from scams targeting their pensions. | Senator Andy Hill (R-45) | Representative Kevin Parker (R-6) | 48-0; 97-1 |
SHB 2171 | Veterans, military personnel | Creates the Washington Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, mirroring the federal Act's consumer protections for active duty military and extending those to the National Guard. | Representative Tina Orwall (D-33) | Senator Steve Hobbs (D-44) | 47-0; 97-0 |
2015 Legislative Session | |||||
ESHB 1078 | Data breach security | Updates Washington's data breach notification law to include clear timelines, contact information, notice to the Attorney General, and accountability measures. | Represenative Zachk Hudgins (D-11) | Senator John Braun (R-20) | 47-0; 97-0 |
HB 1090 | Finan. fraud, identity theft | Reuathorizes and expands the Financial Fraud and Identity Theft Task Forces. | Representative Steve Kirby (D-29) | Senator Joe Fain (R-47) | 48-0; 97-0 |
SSB 5059 | Patent Troll Prevention Act | Protects Washington small businesses from "patent trolls'" deceptive demand letters. | Senator David Frockt (D-46) | Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-27) | 41-6; 94-3 |
EHB 1091 | Ticket Bots | Creates a violation of the Consumer Protection Act for the use of software to supervent the security measures on a ticket sellers' website, and to sell ticket "bots" for that purpose. | Senator Kevin Van de Wege (D-24) | Representative Brad Klippert (R-8) | 49-0; 94-1 |
HB 1059 | Sexually violent predators | Strengthens Washingtons' sexually violent predator statute. | Represenative Susan Fagan (R-9) | Senator Mike Padden (R-4) | 46-0; 87-6 |
2016 Legislative Session | |||||
SB 6171 | Open Public Meetings Act civil penalties | Doubles the personal civil penalty for violations of the Open Public Meetings Act, and includes an enhanced penalty for repeat violations. | Senator Pam Roach (R-31) | Representative Drew Stokesbary (R-31) | 49-0; 72-25 |
SB 6156 | Medicaid false claims act | Reauthorizes Washington's Medicaid False Claimst Act, a key tool used to identify and combat health care fraud. | Senator Ann Rivers (R-17) | Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-27) | 48-0; 96-1 |
SSB 6360 | Traffic fines consolidation | Establishes a Task Force in the Attorney General's Office to look into a process for consolidating traffic fines from multiple jurisdictions to reduce barriers to payment. | Senator Steve O'Ban (R-28) | Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-27) | 49-0; 95-2 |
2017 Legislative Session | |||||
SSB 5022 | Washington Student Loan Transparency Act | Provides students with additional information about their student loans every time a new financial package is approved, including estimated monthly payments. | Senator Barbara Bailey (R-10) | Representative Tina Orwall (D-33) | 49-0; 91-7 |
SHB 1055 | Military members/pro bono | Creates the Office of Military and Veteran Legal Assistance in the Attorney General's Office. | Represenative Christine Kilduff (D-28) | Senator Steve O'Ban (R-28) | 49-0; 95-0 |
SB 5030 | Human Trafficking statute of limitations | Extends the statute of limitations for human trafficking and crimes involving the commercial sexual exploitation of minors. | Senator Jeannie Darneille (D-27) | Representative Mike Pellicciotti (D-30) | 49-0; 97-0 |
SHB 1079 | No-contact order/humna trafficking | Creates a unique no-contact order for survivors of human trafficking. | Representative Tina Orwall (D-33) | Senator Mike Padden (R-4) | 48-0; 98-0 |
SSB 5301 | Wage theft/ Responsible bidder criteria | Adds wage theft violations to the state responsible bidder criteria to prevent government contracts from going to intentional wage theft violators. | Senator Mark Miloscia (R-30) | Representative Zack Hudgins (D-11) | 46-3; 63-33 |
ESHB 1153 | Vulnerable persons/crimes | Combats elder abuse by creating the crime of Financial Exploitation of a Vulnerable Person. | Represenative Roger Goodman (D-45) | Senator Barbara Bailey (D-10) | 47-0; 92-4 |
2018 Legislative Session | |||||
E2SSB 6029 | Student Loan Bill of Rights | Improves consumer protections around student loans and creates the Washington Student Loan Advocate. | Senator Marko Liias (D-21) | Representative Tina Orwall (D-33) | 35-13; 87-11 |
SB 6053 | Medicaid false claim penalty | Aligns the civil penalty for Medicaid fraud to the federal False Claims Act penalty without requiring rule-making. | Senator Karen Keiser (D-33) | Representative Cindy Ryu (D-32) | 47-0; 98-0 |
HB 2271 | Sexually violent predators | Strengthens Washingtons' sexually violent predator statute by avoiding unconditional release trials when they are not warranted. | Represenative Dick Muri (R-28) | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | 49-0; 98-0 |
HB 1056 | Military/consumer protection | Strengthens consumer protections for active duty military by adding cell phone payments, cable and wireless bills, and gym memberships to the WA Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. | Representative Christine Kilduff (D-28) | Senator Michael Baumgartner (R-6) | 49-0; 98-0 |
SSB 6051 | Medicaid fraud control unit | Grants the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit with original criminal jurisdiction over Medicaid fraud. | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | Representative Roger Goodman (D-45) | 48-0; 96-2 |
2019 Legislative Session | |||||
EHB 1074 | Tobacco & vapor products/age | Increases the sales age for tobacco and vapor products to 21. | Representative Paul Harris (R-17) | Senator Patty Kuderer (D-48) | 66-30; 33-12 |
HB 1490 | Hanford workers/cancer | Provides Hanford workers exposed to hamful vapors who get cancer with access to workers' compensation benefits they earned. | Representative Timm Ormsby (D-3) | Senator Karen Keiser (D-33) | 67-29; 39-8 |
HB 1066 | Debt collection complaints | Bans "pocket service" -- the deceptive debt collection practive of serving Washington consumers with a lawsuit before it is filed with the court. | Representative Christine Kilduff (D-28) | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | 31-17; 59-37 |
ESSB 5035 | Prevailing wage laws | Increases civil penalties for prevailing wage violations, requires interest on prevailing wage recoveries, and closes a loophole by defining "unpaid wages." | Senator Rebecca Saldana (D-37) | Representative Mike Sells (D-38) | 34-15; 59-36 |
SHB 1071 | Personal information | Strengthens Washington's data breach notification law by shortening timelines and expanding the definition of personal information to include, among other elements, email and social media passwords. | Representative Shelley Kloba (D-1) | Senator Joe Nguyen (D-34) | 46-0; 96-0 |
SHB 1739 | Firearms/undetectable, etc. | Bans the sale and manufacture of untraceable and undetectable "ghost guns". | Representative Javier Valdez (D-46) | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | 30-18; 55-41 |
2020 Legislative Session | |||||
2SHB 2277 | Youth solitary confinement | Bans youth solitary confinement in Washington. | Representative Strom Peterson (D-21) | Senator Claire Wilson (D-30) | 36-13; 76-20 |
2021 Legislative Session | |||||
SSB 5025 | Consumer Protection Improvement Act | Increases the maximumum penalties for consumer protection and antitrust violations and creates an enhanced penalty for violations that target protected classes. | Senator Christine Rolfes (D-23) | (no companion) | 30-19; 57-41 |
E2SSB 5259 | Law enforcement data | Directs the Attorney General's Office to partner with a 4-year college to create a public database of all police use of force incidents in Washington. | Senator T'wina Nobles (D-28) | Representative Roger Goodman (D-45) | 46-2; 97-1 |
2022 Legislative Session | |||||
ESSB 5078 | Large capacity magazines | Bans the sale, manufacture, import, and distribution of magazines with the capacity to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. | Senator Marko Liias (D-21) | Representative Strom Peterson (D-21) | 28-20; 55-42 |
2SSB 5793 | State boards, etc./stipends | Provides state agencies with allowance to provide stipends for individuals with relevant lived experience who serve on agency boards, commissions, task forces, and advisory groups. | Senator Claire Wilson (D-30) | (no companion) | 32-17; 67-31 |
SHB 1616 | Charity care | Provides discounts on out-of-pocket hospital costs for 4 million Washingtonians, including free care for more than 2 million. | Representative Tarra Simmons (D-23) | (no companion) | 31-17; 65-33 |
SHB 1725 | Missing indigenous persons alert | Creates the Missing Indigenous Person Alert system. | Representative Debra Lekanoff (D-40) | (no companion) | 46-0; 98-0 |
2023 Legislative Session | |||||
SB 5163 | Medicaid fraud false claims | Eliminates the sunset on the whistleblower provisions of the Medicaid False Claims, a key tool used to combat health care fraud. | Senator Ann Rivers (R-17) | (no companion) | 48-0; 95-3 |
ESHB 1051 | Robocalls & telephone scams | Protects Washingtonians from scam robocalls by creating a Consumer Protection Act violation for robocalling Washingtonians on the "do not call" registry, and other protections. | Representative Mari Leavitt (D-28) | (no companion) | 48-0; 96-0 |
ESHB 1329 | Utility shutoffs/heat | Protects Washingtonians from having their water, electricity and other utilities shut off during extreme heat due to late payment. | Representatie Sharlett Mena (D-29) | Senator Joe Nguyen (D-34) | 29-20; 64-31 |
SHB 1177 | MMIWP Cold Case Unit | Creates a cold case unit in the Attorney General's Office focused on cases involving missing and murdered indigenous persons. | Representative Debra Lekanoff (D-40) | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | 48-0; 97-0 |
SSB 5087 | Defects and omissions | Abolishes the death penalty and other laws ruled unconstitutional and unenforceabel by the courts. | Senator Jamie Pedersen (D-43) | Representative Tina Orwall (D-33) | 34-14; 58-39 |
SHB 1240 | Assault weapons sales ban | Bans the sale, manufacture, import, and distribution of military-style assault weapons. | Representative Strom Peterson (D-21) | Senator Patty Kuderer (D-48) | 28-21; 56-42 |
Firearm Industry Responsibility and Gun Violence Victims' Access to Justice Act | Requires the gun industry to put in place responsible controls to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous and prohibited individuals, with accountability provisions. | Senator Jamie Pedersen (D-43) | Representative David Hackney (D-11) | 26-20; 57-41 | |
ESHB 1155 | My Health My Data Act | Prohibits the sharing and selling of sensitive personal health data without informed consent. | Representative Vandana Slatter (D-48) | Senator Manka Dhingra (D-45) | 27-21; 57-40 |
E2SSB 5199 | Newspaper publishers/tax | Provides newspaper printers and publishers with tax-relief in the form of an exemption from the B&O tax. | Senator Mark Mullet (D-5) | Representative Gerry Pollet (D-46) | 47-1; 89-7 |
Nick Brown