Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1950 No. 224 -
Attorney General Smith Troy


It is illegal for a notary public to make a charge for notarizing a veteran's bonus application blank.

                                                                  - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                                February 23, 1950

Honorable Charles O. Carroll
Prosecuting Attorney
King County
County-City Building
Seattle 4, Washington                                                                                                              Cite as:  AGO 49-51 No. 224

Attention:  !ttMr. F. A. Walterskirchen
            Deputy Prosecuting Attorney

Dear Sir:

            Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of February 17, 1950, as to whether section 10, chapter 180, Laws of 1949 (Rem. 1949 Supp. 10747j) the World War II Veterans' Bonus Act, prohibits a notary public from charging for notarizing bonus applications.

            Our conclusion is that the section quoted does prohibit a charge by notaries public for attesting bonus applications.


            Section 10, chapter 180, Laws of 1949 provides:

            "No charge shall be made by any agent, notary public or attorney for any service in connection with filing an application to obtain the allowance provided for by this act, and no person shall, for a consideration, discount or attempt to discount, or for a consideration, advance money upon any certificate or certificates issued pursuant to the terms of this act.  Any violation of this section shall be a gross misdemeanor."

             [[Orig. Op. Page 2]]

            The statute specifically mentions notaries and prohibits a charge for any service in connection with filing an application.  We believe this can have no other meaning than to prohibit a charge for notarizing the application forms.

Very truly yours,

Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General