Honorable Robert C. Ridder
State Senator, 35th District
Legislative Building
Olympia, Washington 98501
Cite as: AGLO 1970 No. 11
Dear Sir:
We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 22, 1970, requesting our opinion as to the applicability of RCW 49.48.010 to the practice of a certain sewer district of compensating its employees with time off rather than cash for overtime work.
You have indicated that you are requesting our opinion on the question presented at the request of legal counsel for the particular sewer district. In order that we may ascertain with certainty the precise issue raised by this request, may we ask you to have him contact us directly with respect to the matter of whether the question pertains to the first or second sentence of subsection (1) of RCW 49.48.010.
Also, if the policy of the sewer district with respect to compensatory time has been reduced to writing, or incorporated into a written contract of employment, it would be most helpful to us in disposing of the question to have copies of any such written materials before us.
Upon receipt of this requested further information and (if available) documentation, we shall be happy to give prompt attention to your opinion request.