(1) A fire protection district authorized by the electors to issue general obligation bonds to finance replacement of equipment on a need basis may issue only a portion of the authorized bonds and delay the issuance of the remainder for a reasonable period of time until the need for replacement of additional equipment actually arises. (2) The general obligation bonds so authorized may be sold privately without a public offering at the discretion of the board of fire commissioners if it determines that such a private sale would be in the best interest of the district.
The redemption of general obligation bonds issued by Whatcom county for construction of a bridge may not be accelerated by establishing tolls on the bridge during the peak traffic months.
The governing body of a hospital district can refund outstanding general obligation bonds for capital purposes only, and provide for an annual levy in excess of the forty mill limit for the payment thereof, subject to the limitation that the annual levy authorized for the bonds being refunded cannot be exceeded.