Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown


Grand Prize Winners2012_winners

  • Southeast Asian Young Men's Group

First Round Winners

  • The Darrington Youth Coalition
  • The Maple Valley Youth Council
  • White Swan Dream Makers
  • Wenatchee Youth Coalition
  • Raiders Against Destructive Decisions
  • Southeast Asian Young Men's Group
  • The Preventors

Category Winners

  • Innovation - Quincy Youth Action
  • Sustainability - West Seattle High School's KATS (Kids Against Tobacco and Substance Abuse
  • Presentation Style & Professionalism - Puyallup High School's Above the Influence team
  • Impact - Shelton High School's SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) club
  • Collaboration & Partnerships - VOICE (Voicing Our Ideas, Challenging Everyone)
Winners: Southeast Asian Young Men's Group
  Finalists: Darrington Youth Coalition
Finalists: Maple Valley Youth Council
  Finalists: White Swan Dream Makers
Finalists: Wenatchee Youth Coalition
  Finalists: Raiders Against Destructive Decisions
Finalists: The Preventors    





DOWNLOAD the 2012 Spring Youth Forum Program

Date: May 10, 2012
Location:  Great Wolf Conference Center, Grand Mound, WA

Continuing in the spirit of the 2011 Prevention Summit, the Spring Youth Forum provides youth prevention teams the opportunity share and promote their successfully completed prevention projects—and to compete against others for great prizes. You’ve made your mark and now it’s time to show it off!

Applications and more information about the 2012 forum can be found at: springyouthforum.org or download application.

March 14: Scholarship applications due
March 15 - 21: Applications reviewed and scored
March 26: Acceptance notifications emailed
April 16: Registration deadline
April 20: Cancellation/substitution deadline
May 9: Event check-in and team arrival
May 10: Spring Youth Forum

Teams awarded scholarships may receive one or more of the following:

  1. Free registration and acceptance to participate (a value of more than $175 per person and a chance to win the grand prize).
    Free registration for Team Adult Advisor, chaperone and youth.
  2. Travel assistance (between $25-$150)
    Amount is dependent upon team’s county of origin. It is expected that teams contribute the difference in actual travel costs.
    Please prepare for the possibility of paying all travel costs up front and receiving a travel assistance check for the amount awarded to the team after the event. A check will be mailed to the address on the W-9 form submitted.
  3. Lodging (a value of more than $500 each night)
    The number of hotel rooms and the amount of travel assistance provided to your team will be explained in the Scholarship Award Letter, which will be sent via e-mail to the Team Adult Advisor. It will be up to each team to determine how many and who should be in each room (e.g., one chaperone and three youth per room or four youth in one room and two chaperones in the second room.). It is the expectation that people will share rooms when appropriate and feasible. Teams may need to purchase additional rooms for team members, chaperones and/or adult advisors. Should teams wish to purchase additional rooms for team members, a group rate will be available. However, there is no guarantee that the rooms will be near the other team room(s), as the Committee will have already booked lodging for teams awarded scholarships. Please contact CASAT for the group rate code at the event email address, if needed. Hotel confirmation number(s) and additional hotel information will be provided closer to the event via e-mail to the Team Adult Advisor. All lodging rooms for youth and adult members of the team will be reserved at the Great Wolf Lodge. Should teams register less than the number of people awarded a scholarship, the number of hotel rooms awarded may be adjusted.
  4. Meals (a value of more than $75 per person)
    Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Thursday, May 10th. All other meals are the responsibility of the team.
  5. Water park Passes (a value of $40 each)
    Water park passes can be used starting at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, through Thursday, May 10 until 9:00 p.m. Hotel room check-in starts at 4:00 p.m.; however, teams may arrive beginning at 1:00 p.m. and the hotel will provide water park passes and allow teams to swim prior to room check-in.

Want to hear more and get updates? Get Connected!

Join the conference listserv or our Facebook page.

Presented by the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery and the Attorney General of Washington and funded through a grant from the Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Cy Pres fund.